A food, travel and lifestyle blog dedicated to the gratification of the senses and the indulgence of appetite

A Change of Seasons

A Change of Seasons

VoyageMIA Trailblazers Rewriting the Narrative Photo

This post has been sitting in draft form for about 6 months now.  Around the beginning of fall last year I started this post to share how and why I started blogging.

I thought about blogging a gazillion years ago, before it became so popular and before people started doing it to earn an actual living.  The thought of blogging had always appealed to me, but just for fun.  That’s because I have always journaled and loved to write.  Fast-forward more than 10 years later, I wanted to do something other than working in an office everyday.  It all started with the name, The Sensual Palate.  I don’t remember exactly when this came to me, but that’s exactly what happened.  The Sensual Palate just came to me one day.  I purchased the domain name and just sat on it for a while.

Recently, someone reached out to me about being featured in a local online publication.  Apparently a friend of mine had recommended me because she knew my story and thought it was interesting enough to be featured.  I must say that I was pretty embarrassed and did not even respond initially.  I thought there was no way that I was going to share my personal story with anyone, let alone an online publication for anyone and everyone to read.

I have always been extremely private.  In fact, I have always been anti-social media!  It was only when I decided to start the blog that I even started using Facebook and Instagram.  As for Pinterest and Twitter, I am still learning how to navigate my way around those platforms.  Even to this day, after having launched the blog about 9 months ago, I still have trouble posting on social media.  It’s very uncomfortable for me to share sometimes.  I suppose this will just get easier over time.

When this publication reached out to me, I will say that I did have this blog post in draft form with bullets of what I wanted to share.  It was important to me to let people know how I ended up starting this blog and the other things that I am now doing since leaving my 9-5.

More and more these days I hear people leaving the traditional work force to do something completely different.  Everyone has different reasons.  Some people just plain hate their current job or are not satisfied with their career choice.  Others suffer from burnout, crave more time freedom or have small children that they want to spend more time with.  Some people have lost their job and decided to go out on their own to never have to experience that feeling again.  As for me, I literally thought I was going to have a stroke and die and that is no joke!

I got sick and that scared the crap out of me!  I am happy to say that all is well again and I am back to being my happy and healthy self!  Since I finally decided to participate and do the article that is basically the blog post I was eventually going to write.  Here it is!  I still can’t believe that I did this!!!


What changed my mind was reading all of the other stories here.  They are all quite amazing.  I still don’t think that I had anything special to add, but if my article helps just one person – then it will be worth it!  I was also very impressed by the creators of VoyageMIA.  I love their mission and what they are trying to accomplish.  I am very grateful for this opportunity to share my story.





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